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  • Why is breakfast important for runners?
  • How long should I leave between breakfast and a run?
  • What foods should I eat for breakfast?
  • Breakfasts ideas for runners

We're always told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – but what should your breakfast be if you're a runner looking for appetising yet effective fuel to see you through the miles? And how much time should you leave between eating breakfast and lacing up and heading out the door? We spoke with Lily Chapman, performance coach and sport and exercise nutritionist at P3RFORM, for some tasty advice on what to eat before a run.

Why is breakfast important for runners?

'Ahead of a run or any workout in the morning, it’s important to have breakfast in order to fuel the body with energy and increase your glycogen stores,' explains Chapman.

Research has shown this, too, with a study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise concluding that fasted exercise – in other words, morning exercise done without eating breakfast first – leads to impaired performance compared with exercise done after breakfast.

How long should I leave between breakfast and a run?

While it's advisable to consume breakfast before a run, you can't just eat and go. With that in mind, Chapman suggests that runners try to eat a high-carbohydrate snack or meal around one to four hours before heading out.

That said, the exact time it takes for you to comfortably digest your breakfast is an individual matter, so use your training as a chance to work out what feels best for you. What's more, there are even some advantages to doing occasional fasted runs, which can help to 'teach' your body how to use fat for fuel more effectively.

What foods should I eat for breakfast?

Foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrate are the best breakfast options for athletes planning to run hard or long. As Chapman notes, eating these foods in the hour before exercise 'has been shown to delay fatigue onset, reduce the rate of perceived exertion (how hard you feel your body is working) and increase exercise capacity.' They are also kinder on the stomach, resulting in a more pleasant running experience.

'Liquid carbohydrates may be a good option for those who struggle with consuming whole foods before a training run,' says Chapman. 'Everyone should incorporate an individual approach to what specific foods they should be consuming, as both preference and tolerance vary.

'Opting for foods with minimal fat, fibre and protein has also been shown to suit most runners,' continues Chapman. 'These foods have been shown to slow digestion and absorption, leading to gastrointestinal issues.'

The only way to really figure out what works for you, though, is through trial and error. 'Pre-planning is super important to help with adaptation and optimal performance', says Chapman, so experiment with different pre-run foods to discover your stomach's – and your taste buds' – preferences.

If you’re in need of a little inspiration, read on for some delicious but incredibly simple breakfast ideas, designed with runners in mind.

Breakfasts ideas for runners

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Bagels are often the go-to breakfast choice for runners – and for good reason. They’re rich in carbohydrate, which means they’ll top up those glycogen stores, are super easy to digest and don’t sit heavily in your stomach. Plus, they’re great for eating on the go. Our personal favourite bagel topping? Peanut butter or Lotus Biscoff spread. Yum.

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The unofficial king of the race day breakfast, porridge oats are healthy, filling and 70% carbohydrate – making them optimum running fuel. Stir through honey, maple syrup or fruit compote for a dose of fast-acting sugar, or add raisins or dried fruit. If sultanas or raisins bore you, try blueberries and cranberries. Before you heat up your porridge, you could also add sweet slices of fresh banana to create a healthy, hearty breakfast to eat before a run.

dish, food, cuisine, meal, granola, breakfast cereal, ingredient, breakfast, blueberry, snack,
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Muesli and granola

Packed with whole grains and fruits for slow-burn energy, muesli is also fantastic fuel for a run. If you aren't keen on the pre-made supermarket varieties, perhaps visit a local health food store to pick out the fruit, nuts and grains that you like to make your own personal muesli mix. Bran, barley and oats are especially good wholegrain carbohydrates, so be sure to sprinkle some of them into your mix.

If you crave something a little sweeter, why not make your own granola? The slow-release grains help you feel full all morning, while the baked-in honey or maple syrup offers fast release sugars, making granola a double threat in the pre-run breakfast world. Roll 500g of grains, nuts and seeds into 2 tbsp each of honey, vegetable oil and maple or golden syrup. Then, spread the mixture over baking sheets and bake it at low heat (150ºC/gas mark 2) for 15 minutes. If you like dried fruit, add that to the granola before baking for a further 15 minutes.

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Cakes and bakes

While buying a sugary cake in a coffee shop can be convenient, spending a little time baking your own will give you a much healthier breakfast.

Banana bread is a great source of fast-burning carbohydrate that provides a quick energy release for your runs. And, if you use wholemeal flour, it also gives you slow-burning carbohydrate to fill you up.

Making a wholesome, mouth-watering banana bread of your own is easy. First, line a loaf tin and preheat a medium oven (180ºC/gas mark 4). Then, mash four ripe bananas and mix these with 225g self-raising flour, 100g butter, 150g caster sugar, two eggs and a pinch of salt. Add this to the loaf tin and bake the mixture for 1-1½ hours until the bread is golden on top and a skewer comes out clean.

Another tasty and simple pre-run breakfast option is homemade muffins. Use wholemeal flour and add some fruit – like blueberries, banana and rhubarb – for fast-burning sugars.

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Sweetcorn fritters

This bright, tasty breakfast is packed with vegetables and makes for a perfect, decadent weekend breakfast – either before or after a long run. Sweetcorn is 86% carbohydrate, low in fat and packed with vitamin C, so it's a brilliant ingredient to add to your runner's diet.

To make 12 fritters, sift 300g self-raising flour and 1 tsp baking powder into a bowl, season and make a well in the middle. Mix two eggs, 400g sweetcorn kernels, a handful of coriander or parsley and a generous glug of sweet chilli sauce, plus the same amount of water. Put this mixture into the middle of the bowl of flour and combine it all together. Heat a knob of butter in a frying pan and add 2-3 tbsp of the mixture to make your first fritter. Once bubbles begin to form on top of the corn cake, flip it over and cook for a further two minutes.

If you fancy a really indulgent post-run breakfast, then serve your sweetcorn fritters with bacon, sliced avocado and sour cream.

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With a little planning, pancakes can be a quick, hot and healthy breakfast. The night before, mix up a simple batter of 100g flour, 300ml milk, two eggs and 1 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil. Place this in a large jug, cover it up and store it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, simply cook this on the hob and add blueberries and a sliced banana, perhaps, for a sweet, fruity hit. Try to swap refined white flour for buckwheat, too, to create a more nutritious but equally tasty stack.

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Breakfast bars

If you're too busy to eat a proper breakfast, it's still important to take a few bites or gulps of something – your metabolism is at its most active at the start of the day and just after a run, so you'll need to fuel it with some high-quality carbohydrate.

Homemade energy bars are a great snack to eat before a run and – even better – they're easy to whip up and can be stored away for later. First, combine 175g oats with 85g muesli in a bowl. Warm 3 tbsp of honey in a small saucepan until it becomes runny, then add it to the oat mix. Stir in 150g dried fruit (like raisins, dates, apricots, figs, apple and pineapple), two egg whites and 175ml apple juice. Press the mixture into a lightly oiled 18 x 28cm baking tin, then bake it at 180ºC for 20-25 minutes until golden. Allow it to cool slightly, then cut into bars.

Eating properly after a run to promote recovery is also essential. During the first hour after a workout, your body replenishes glycogen at three times its normal rate, so try to make time for breakfast straight after a session. The best recovery meals tend to have a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrate and protein that'll restock your energy stores and help your muscles to recover.

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Fresh smoothies

The recipe for a healthy and satisfying liquid breakfast is easy – just pop some fruit in the blender.

Make the perfect recovery shake with a mixture of bananas – which are an impressive 93% carbohydrate – and peanut butter. Peanut butter has the right blend of protein and carbohydrate for that magic 4:1 recovery ratio, while calcium-packed natural yoghurt also makes a substantial shake.

Get inventive with what's in season, or think ahead and stock up on summer fruits when they're fresh and cheaper. Freeze berries and chopped fruit ready to tip into your blender for a little summer sunshine – and vitamin C – on a dark winter morning. Yum!